"Now Playing" Glitch

Hi I've been experiencing a bit of an error or problem with my website and NiceCast. When i'm broadcasting the most updated version and streaming my iTunes playlist, the song title and artist title shows up on my website incorrectly. At my website there are many DJ's so when I go on air and let's say i'm playing "Cool for the Summer - Demi Lovato" on iTunes. The website will show another song from a previous DJ and it will stay at that song forever even though my music is changing. You can hear everything perfectly but its just the Now Playing Title that is the problem. Does anyone have this same issue? I know everyone who tries to DJ on this site using NiceCast notices the same problem but the majority of the DJ's use SAM broadcaster on their PC computers so they never have this happen to them. I'm hoping someone can help me out here cause I've been trying to figure out a solution for months and have come up with nothing. I'll let you know whatever details you need.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi Cassidy,

We have not used Nicecast for years and I do not have a copy of it (or a Mac) at hand at this moment to check this out.

But it sounds like Nicecast is literally just playing back the audio from your soundcard and its not pulling the track information from your iTunes for whatever reason. Perhaps you will either need to enter the tracks titles manually with Nicecast yourself or you may be able to find a script that pushes your iTunes track information directly to NiceCast.

If it does actually support pulling the iTunes track information, then perhaps your files do not have the correct meta-data (ID3) tags which is why the info is not getting updated?

Hopefully some others may have some suggestions for you? Have you tried contacting the Nicecast developers for their advice? https://www.rogueamoeba.com/support/