Play Multiple Playlists at a time


New Member
I need to stream 8 playlists 24/7. My question is can I buy one station and play all my 8 playlists 24/7? OR If need to buy 8 stations is there any policy of discount on buying more than one station?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi blueperson,

Welcome to the forums and thank you for your interest in our services.

Can you just confirm if you intend to run the 8 playlists all at the same time? Or just the 8 playlists individually over a 24 hour period?

We now offer "reseller" accounts (multi accounts) in which you can create and manage as many stations as you like under the one master account. You then basically just sign up for one of our bandwidth plans and then share this monthly bandwidth allowance between all of the individual accounts (stations). Please feel free to drop us an email here: :)


New Member
Another question i want to ask that, I want to use just AutoDJ in which i make playlist and that will play in loop. But in client end i am not getting the picture of song currently playing in the playlist. Is there any facility when the song change it changes the title of song and picture in client end. Like metadata of current song.