HELP: Add my radio station on WiFi Tuner Radios...

TRT Tamil Olli

New Member

Can you please send me the link used where I can add my station and make sure that it is broadcast a global scale on WiFi Tuner Radios ?

Thank you in advance.

TRT Tamil Olli
You think there's one single link that will get you global / on every internet radio / directory out there?

What are you smoking; how much per gram, and do you do postal deliveries?

Yes!!! It exists!! Three years ago, I succeeded... Thanks to that link, I succeeded to broadcast my radio station on every WiFi Tuner Radios all around the world!! But, I have lost that link.. That is why I asked the question, here, to Internet Radio.
Hi TRT Tamil Olli,

@Andy Moore is right in that there is not one single link that will get you listed across all platforms and wifi devices. For example, in the past some listeners have had to manually input a servers stream url in order to be able tune into an internet radio station on a hardware device. Others have just simply tuned in on such devices from services such as Tunein etc.

It basically comes down to you having to put in the time and effort to get your station listed as much as possible online and maybe do some research into how you can possibly get your stream available on some of these platforms and devices. But there is not one simple fix for this and there will likely be quite a few that won't support your stream format.

This URL of will get you listed on most online directories.