Oldies N' More Radio - Seeking New Air Talent


New Member
Oldies N More Radio is looking to add a few new deejays to our staff!

We are a fully licensed 5 year old U.S. radio station with a LARGE listening audience.
Click here to see our listener map (below the chat room)

We love to have fun, but do NOT allow profanity or political rhetoric.

Our DJs provide:

  1. Music from the 50's - 70's in mp3 format and properly tagged
  2. SAM Broadcaster
  3. Good microphone
  4. Friendly interaction with listeners in our chat room
  5. Be dependable! Minimum of (1) 2 hour show per week ... more is appreciated!
If you are interested in becoming a member of our team of DJs to broadcast a LIVE radio show,
please contact: JoeT at joetrequestline@gmail.com or Cosmos at cosmosrequest@gmail.com.

Gereral questions, that may be of interest to others can be asked through this post.

Oldies N More Radio is the place to be as we bring the best music of the 50s through the 70s to the world.

ONM Logo.jpg
I'm interested in talking to someone about becoming a DJ. I've been doing this off and on for 20 years. I don't just play music whenI do my shows. I also do pop culture games and a lot of other things.

please contact me at:
Hi Lee Roy ... I have forwarded your interest in OldiesN'More Radio to Cosmos (Ron) and you will likely hear from someone today or tomorrow. If you aren't contacted this weekend, please eMail me at playmyoldies@gmail.com and I'll follow up. Thanks for your interest!