does Edcast plugin create delay in Winamp??

New Member
Hi all,
I've been "Icecasting" for a few months now, using Winamp with Edcast plugin. I had started with mixxx but had some issues with it and eventually got Winamp to do what I wanted: play continuously with no gaps. I direct listeners to a flash player at or tell them to point their iTunes/VLC/WMP to

Me, I do most of my listening directly from Winamp, but I also have a Roku Soundbridge webradio, and that's where I first noticed between-song gaps that aren't audible in Winamp. At first I thought it might be lousy files that needed some trimming in Audacity, but after much experimenting, I now realize that the gaps are evident on iTunes as well. When a friend used some kind of audio capture to document what his VLC was playing, I went back into the playlist and listened to the same 3-4 songs in Winamp, and sure enough, one gap was six seconds longer than what I hear in Winamp. Here's where it gets interesting (well, to me): I went into Edcast and checked "save an archive of stream" and "save as wav" and what I recorded was the same as my friend's VLC grap, i.e. gaps!

Why is it that the seamless playback I hear in Winamp is NOT what gets "Icecasted"? More importantly, how can I make it so that my stream IS seamless to listeners?

Thanks in advance!


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi there,

Hmmm, that's an odd one?

We would normally think that the issue is with the audio files themselves. But as you say, you have checked this? We do not really think it is Edcast that is creating the gaps as this should just stream the exact audio signal that it is receiving. Why don't you try another stream encoder instead and see if this helps. Maybe give the BUTT encoder a go:

It might also be worth you contacting your own stream provider for some assistance with this. :)