The Hour Father: 60 Minutes of Worship on


New Member

My wife and I produce a weekly Christian radio show called The Hour Father: 60 Minutes of Worship that focuses on one book of The Bible each week and includes various CCM tracks.

It airs twice on Sundays - 4am UK time / 11pm Eastern (US, Saturday night), and a second time at 12pm UK time / 7am Eastern.

However, this week is a special bumper catch up edition, with FOUR episodes in a row! Yes, just look at this schedule:

Sunday, 1am UK time (Sat, 8pm Eastern) - 1 Kings
Sunday, 2am UK time (Sat, 9pm Eastern) - 2 Kings
Sunday, 3am UK time (Sat, 10pm Eastern) - 1 Chronicles
Sunday, 4am UK time (Sat, 11pm Eastern) - 2 Chronicles

If anyone is interested in listening, you can hear it here: Turquoise Radio or download the free Turquoise Radio app on your iOS or Android device.