You won't belive this!

Just thought I would stir up this post from the depths of the cauldron. Still going strong since 2011 :)
Always happy to hear from potential presenters
Just thought I would stir up this post from the depths of the cauldron. Still going strong since 2011 :)
Always happy to hear from potential presenters
As of yesterday we are now a secure stream (what a nightmare). We now physically own and run our own streaming server (gulp! No one else to blame if it goes wrong).
All my stations run a secure stream its no biggy now days. If your not secure with the new browser updates, you will simply be unreachable.
All my stations run a secure stream its no biggy now days. If your not secure with the new browser updates, you will simply be unreachable.
Absolutely, it started with Chrome breaking the ability of playing non secure streams. We found a way round it but had to junk our player to do so at the time.
You can put your insecure stream through players like Rcast etc. If you have a secure stream to start with your on top of it.
Nice work.
I see web pages for radio stations out there that are not secure to start with. They don't have a chance Lol.
Run your station on the cheap, you get cheap results.
You can put your insecure stream through players like Rcast etc. If you have a secure stream to start with your on top of it.
Nice work.
I see web pages for radio stations out there that are not secure to start with. They don't have a chance Lol.
Run your station on the cheap, you get cheap results.
You are right there. I shudder when I see sites using standard templates or with text that overlaps etc.
A site needs basic information, people get board scrolling through lots of information.
People want an outlet in these bad times, to listen and talk to a DJ in chat or they move on.
Chat has died but interaction with a Dj online has not and works well.
Us Dj's take them away to a place that is peaceful and entertain them for that small couple of hours.
The whole huge website ect. does no good if they don't fined how to get that release from reality.
Your Listeners are everything.....
A site needs basic information, people get board scrolling through lots of information.
People want an outlet in these bad times, to listen and talk to a DJ in chat or they move on.
Chat has died but interaction with a Dj online has not and works well.
Us Dj's take them away to a place that is peaceful and entertain them for that small couple of hours.
The whole huge website ect. does no good if they don't fined how to get that release from reality.
Your Listeners are everything.....
Very true. All about the listener but a bad or cheap website puts them off I find
Gotta say as a station owner also I love your approach matey . Spot on and if I didn’t have my own station I’d hope on board but if you ever felt like networking hit me up I won’t post my station link as I don’t hijack but if ever fancy a chat or cross some ideas as you have a lot of what I have in my station .emails unique software etc so hit me up some time at djpopster@iconicextra.con as be good to bang heads together and give ideas to each other as I don’t do the ohh competition thing your a station I’m a station let’s all play together nice and if they like yours more than mine so be it but I will say again like your style matey and hope to chat soon cheers buddy
I've just read the whole thread and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. Like Iconicextra I do like the attitude and if only I had more time I would knock on your door, based in Cambridgeshire too.
I've just read the whole thread and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. Like Iconicextra I do like the attitude and if only I had more time I would knock on your door, based in Cambridgeshire too.
Would love to hear you from when you have time :)
Just to update this post lol
We have been running continually since 2011
We DO now stream in AAC as well lol (I had a lot to learn since that first post).
We now run our own streaming in house (there are lots of terrible hosts out there beware).
Any questions please yell - best to email as I don't get notified of posts from here :(
Yes thats right! Yet ANOTHER online station desperately looking to add DJs! Why should you join us over any other station out there? No reason whatsoever! What do we offer thats different to the other 437 stations continuosly posting for new DJs - NOTHING to be honest. We are about to celebrate our 2nd birthday so I thought I would post here to see if anyone is interested in joining a small band of socially unique individuals who - since the demise of CB radio feel the need to broadcast to the world in their own unique style via the art of streaming mp3 (just for the nerd fans out there - after all who actually does stream in aac?). So if you have nothing better to do whilst prime time television is on and prefer speaking and broadcasting to fellow slightly strange "net" people then check us out.
Right thats the attempt of a comedy write up done! (well it makes a difference from the usual guff).

We are;
legal (PRS & PPL)
Fun (most of the time)
Online 24/7 (when our bloomin streaming hosts play ball)
Do not use an Auto DJ system
Fully automated transmission system that puts you live and takes you off air automatically at the correct time as well as records all live shows automatically for repeat broadcast / archive
Encourage listener interaction via chatroom and song requester
Ask DJs to make a contribution to the running of the station (mainly the license fees)
Hold listener/social events through the year.
Hold Outside Broadcasts at various events through the year
Provide DJs with custom written playout software (pretty decent if we say so ourselves)
DJs have personal email address provided. (I know, contain yourself with the excitement on that one!)
No illusuions of being anything bigger than we are

We are not;
any good (most likely true)

Who are we? Oh yeah - we are A1 Radio Welcome to A1Radio
Come check us out
Email: if you are the slightest bit interested.
If not then simply glaze over this post and check and the one above which most likely says something like the following;
"Lots of slots still vacant" = only 2 DJs on the station
Have a great day :)
See you all in about 2 months when I too will post an almost identical message.
Just popping in to say I love your station!