Audacious News - Free for your stations

Niall Sanderson

New Member

  • Hello,

    We at Audacious Media have an exciting new news team who do regular News and Weather updates to internet radio station's Facebook and twitter pages.

    How it works:
    The team write the news and weather and use HootSuite to publish it across all the radio stations Facebook pages we have on the network.

    News is published at 8am, 5pm and 8pm every day. This is a full news bulletin.

    Weather is published at 8am and 8pm every day. This is a detailed forecast.

    We also publish a shorter version of both of these onto all the Twitter accounts at the same time.

    We offer this service for free, and we can have your station added to the network in a matter of minutes. You can request to see a example of what we publish.

    All the news is national, meaning where ever the station is based in the UK, the news will be relevant.

    You can contact me here, or at

    Niall Sanderson
