Charging listeners for special event stream....


New Member
Does anyone know of any software/widgets etc. to enable us to charge listeners for "premium" shows and only allow those who have paid to tune-in to the stream? Very interested to hear from anyone else who has done this.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi Stoneslive,

This is not something we have ever tried out ourselves or ever really looked into.

In theory it is totally possible. One way of doing this is that you could make the stream private so that it does not appear on any directory's at all and then you only provide the tune in links to those who have paid to listen. You may have to provide the tune in links manually somehow as we are not aware of any software or widgets that allow for this. But that's not to say there is not maybe something out there?

It could be tricky to monitor as well. Whats not to stop a paid listener sharing the tune in link with some of their friends? You would then have to work out which IP has paid and then who has not. Subsequently you would then have to kick / ban from the server those who did not pay for the privilege. This could be a pain and time consuming.

But perhaps some of our other users have some experience or better knowledge of this and will be able to point you in the right direction? Best of luck with it and keep us updated on if you come across anything suitable, we would be interested to see how it works. :)


New Member
Thanks, Support. Do you know of any stand-alone small media players which I can embed into my website which won't show the stream web address?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
No problem at all. We recommend the Muses Radio Player

But if you intend to hide the stream URL to prevent any unpaid listeners, anyone a little bit techy would still be able to work out the stream address for most embedded players, even if the stream URL was hidden. You could work this out from just looking at a web pages source code.