G3 Radio


New Member
We have an opening we'd like to offer if anyone feels like they're up to the challenge. (I probably could of worded that better lol)

Anyway, we have an almost full schedule! But I'm looking for one person from the UK, with experience to present a Breakfast show on the weekends. Probably Sunday Mornings 9 - 12. Most people start to listen on a Sunday around lunchtime. So it would be good to have someone on earlier to help warm everyone up.

As long as you enjoy that you do and don't take yourself too seriously, we have a great community that will be grateful to have someone to wake them up! We're not your usual internet radio station, we have a close tightly knit community of friends and family.

We're not HUGE, you'll probably have an average listener base of around 20 - 30, sometimes 50+ depending on the time/day. We're fully licensed through PPL and PRS.

Oh, you'll probably want to check us out - http://www.g3-radio.net.

If you're interested, let me know. Email me at Daniel@g3-radio.net.

Cheers! :)

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