How am i able to get more listeners to tune into my station?

Mark Bradley

New Member
Hi everyone :hi:,

I know that this may be a strange request but I am hoping that you guys could possibly share some valuable information with me. I have had my station (home) since 1st March 2012 and I have been getting some average numbers but in fairness, they haven't been regular. Sometimes my listener numbers are shocking (lol). I have the station licensed too and listed with a variety of Top Online Radio sites to monitor numbers but I would like to see an increase significantly on statistics.
All information is appreciated but if you choose not to say anything nice :headbang:, I would prefer you to refrain from answering :x. I am looking for kind responses. Please email me if you prefer on

Thank guys. From one station owner to another :)


Mark Bradley

Digital Technique Radio

General Lighting

Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi Mark,

Firstly i've been looking for months for a British station playing trance so you've got at least one more listener :rofl:

Also with stats they aren't the be all and end all, unless all your listeners are solitary ICT bods listening in their rooms whilst working I would expect the sound might be routed to amps and loudspeakers in houses with more than one person living there so you get more listeners..

Realistically though I think we (at least in Britain) are all currently facing the "device barrier" - as folk get distracted when tuning in due to having to switch on a large computer rather than a more simple piece of AV kit as well as a complete market saturation and that isn't an easy one to get round.

If I google internet radio trance or something like that I get hundreds of stations..

I haven't had time to listen for a longer period yet but will be doing so, but I would say (even as someone linked to a station which consistently scores high in the rankings) that this market saturation and also balkanisation of listener groups due to dance music genres makes it a lot harder to get what you think are large amounts of listeners.

You are already doing all the right things to get listeners - however if you have a background in band II pirates or community FM stations, how did you know how many listeners you are getting? One suggestion is to get the DJ's to promote the shows, as well as club events, flyers, same as you would a band II pirate. and keep your local identity but think international as currently you have the best of both worlds.

There are a couple of bits of constructive criticism I would make - first one is your website is sized for big 1080p monitors. whilst I have two at home on my main PC, at work I use a smaller screen or a laptop and the header graphics hogs a lot of space on these sizes.

Also there is a odd green thing for some web 2.0 service (timeline?) which on smaller screens overwrites your tuner and news feed. I don't use this service, and I don't use facebook either! But I do want to know which DJ is playing and what is on the newsfeed, and the green meanie gets in the way-this "free" widget is someone stamping their branding onto your content! If it is any good to you or your users, shift it to the RHS or the top, where it won't get in the way as much.

Incidentally we have a purple shop in Ipswich selling the same stuff as your advertisers in Wales curious coincidence :)
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