Need a Radio Announcer/Voice Over Artist/Creative Writer


New Member

I am currently working for a local radio station as a Creative writer. I am looking for a little more experience (Either voluntary or paid) being an announcer or being a creative writer online. I want to do it part time since I still want to keep my full time position.

I graduated with ta Degree in Broadcasting last year (In Canada), and I already have 5 years experience in radio.

I do love all sorts of music except for country. However, my favorite genres of music are: New Wave, New Age, Pagan, Old School Punk, 80s and 90s Alternative, the 1980s, and Classic Rock. I am looking an online streaming radio station that already has a playlist for me to play from. That is so that I will not have to hunt down musicians on the web.

If you are already an established streaming radio station with advertisers, I can help with writing the ads. I do have close to a year experience doing that.

If you want to view my experiences go to WWW.ABALANCEDDIET.COM - HOME. Or you can email me at if you want me to send you some samples or if you have any questions.