Riff Radio is Looking For On Air Personalities


New Member
Hi! This is the owner of RiffRadio.Yolasite.com! If your looking for a station with all genres you found it!! We accept all genres of music!!! Even if you have never been a DJ before we except people with all experiences!!! Riff Radio is a great place to listen to great music and talk to great people! It is even on the TuneIn network so you can listen to it anywhere!!! Please send an e-mail to riffradio99@gmail.com
if you are interested to join the crew!!! We want you to join us!



New Member
The fearless leader of the station, will know your way about a server, have the ability to problem solve issues as they arise, manage staff effectively and make the hardcore decisions regarding the running of the station making choices for the good of the station and benefit of the team.


New Member
What are you talking abou??
The fearless leader of the station, will know your way about a server, have the ability to problem solve issues as they arise, manage staff effectively and make the hardcore decisions regarding the running of the station making choices for the good of the station and benefit of the team.