18 staff members, join before all the prime time slots are taken!

Tyson Brooks

New Member
Position type: Voluntary

Mach7 Radio was started in June, a variety station that plays everything from the 60s to now, talk about sports, news, stupid criminals, celebrity birthdays and gossip. We do a little bit of everything.

Our station uses Sam Broadcaster, a legit copy which will be given to each DJ, you’ll be issued your own unique key when you join the team. You must be on Windows 7, 8 or 10 in order to use the license. The licenses that we have been authorized to give to our staff will not work on Mac. However, if you purchase or have purchased the latest version of Sam Broadcaster Pro you’ll be able to use it on Mac (OSX).

Here is what my goal and focus is at this point in time:
I’m focused on building an excellent and dedicated team of presenters/DJs who are committed to making the station work. I’m out to beat the odds of other internet radio stations to prove that you can make it without having a big financial backer behind you to build a fabulous internet radio station. I currently have 18 team members and I’m actively searching for more. Not all 18 are on air talent either, I have one guy who will be focused on PR and promotions.

There will be a few things that I ask for during our first email exchange when you email me to apply, here are a few you could have ready:

  • Your availability, we have a number of slots to fill so a lot of positions are open, please check out http://mach7radio.com/ for the schedule. We require at least a commitment of 2 hours a week to be on the schedule.
  • Your internet speed. You can find out what it is by visiting http://speedtest.net. This site will allow you to share your speed test. Please include in a email the url to the test that it gives you.
  • Do you have a USB or pro audio gear microphone? Sorry but we do not accept built in microphones on your computer or web camera. USB Mics and pro audio mics give the best audio.
  • Are you looking for a station to join, or do you have an existing show you are looking to syndicate? (Currently at this time we are only looking for new talent not syndication. However, if you have an existing show that’s looking for a new home, we’d be glad to talk about scheduling.)
  • Do you have a skype account? if so, what is your username? (We use skype in the beginning to speak with you about show details so that we can communicate all the details possible to all of our djs during our next meeting. Skype will also be used for training, coaching and casual conversation.) We like to stay in communication with each other on this station since we are not in the same brick and mortar location.
  • If selected to do a show on Mach7 Radio, what type of show would you present? How often would you be able to do your show? We require that every DJ / Presenter be available to do at least one 2 hour show a week. This will provide a consistent schedule that our listeners can follow. So we would also like to know what your availability is.
  • Provide an audio voice clip (this may help http://vocaroo.com/) please visit the provided site to record a demo and then email the share link it generates with the answer to all the other questions above.
To apply please email staffing@mach7radio.com