Broadcasting from stream


New Member
Hi. I am very new to this "hobby". For some considerable time I have been using a usb fm transmitter to broadcast specialist radio ( vintage stuff ) round my home so that it could be received by all my radios in different rooms. Its a system that has worked brilliantly with no wires and no mess and with a broadcast limit that covers my property. Things have moved on and I cant get a replacement for this item so am looking at alternatives. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can continue to broadcast internet radio to my sets ? I also am able to broadcast to my vintage radio sets via a low powered MW transmitter via a different method. I have been looking at something on Ebay called a Wireless 15W PLL FM Transmitter Radio Stereo Station. I think I can receive the signal via bluetooth to the unite and then broadcast it, but Im not sure. These web sites never tell you what you need to know. Any advice would be appreciated. Best Wishes
15W is quite a bit of power, with a good antenna that can have a range of several kilometres and you could risk getting in trouble with your country's Communications Ministry (Ofcom, BNetzA, Agentschap Telecom etc)!

On Amazon there are a number of smaller devices with a 3,5mm stereo jack and internal battery that are sold for use within cars, but work perfectly well indoors and will have enough range to cover a house (unless you live in a huge mansion house).

Tip: if you use a 3,5mm stereo extension lead this often acts as an antenna and can slightly increase the range of the signal, whilst keeping the power low enough to avoid any hassles..
I hope your project goes well. I guess you collect old analogue radios, there's quite a few sites/forums across Europe and beyond devoted to this hobby, and combining it with listening to internet radio is cool when todays stations have become all the same and less appealing to listen to..
Yes its a whole new world. I have a fairly big collection of working vintage radios and Tvs and love tracking down old recordings for both mediums to add an authentic vintage feel to my home environment. I also do some vintage events for charity fund-raising as well by having home events where people come in vintage dress can get "into the spirit. Its wacky I now but great fun ! and always amazes visitors that all my vintage tech actually works !. I doubt I weill ever feel the need tpo tune into the stuff on regular radio anymore as it just doesn't do anything for me !!