Can you name a cool chat room for a radio station website?


New Member
I am looking for a mobile friendly chat room for my radio website (no live video is needed). It should allow adding YouTube videos and images.

I could find two services RumbleTalk and xcat but both have no 3rd party users integration, any suggestions?
I am looking for a mobile friendly chat room for my radio website (no live video is needed). It should allow adding YouTube videos and images.

I could find two services RumbleTalk and xcat but both have no 3rd party users integration, any suggestions?

i have a IRC server if put you would only be able to add the links to the vid or image. you are more than welcome to come and check it out we use a client called Kiwiirc to connect and i know that this can be used on a mobile...

IRC will allow links to images to be posted and has other advantages (such as being able to use a more basic client than some of the rather bloated web-based chat rooms I have seen).

you can certainly post links to images with IRC, but why would you want to share youtube links on the stations chat (that is normally used whilst the station is broadcasting) instead of a separate forum or other "offline" social network?

Doing so will only distract many listeners as if they are using a single device they may immediately click on the link and your programme audio will then be cut across by the soundtrack of the youtube video.

if you have videos of your own station to share or want user generated video content then you might be better off using a blog or forum software on the station website instead.
I recommend 123 FlashChat to you!

I am looking for a mobile friendly chat room for my radio website (no live video is needed). It should allow adding YouTube videos and images.

I could find two services RumbleTalk and xcat but both have no 3rd party users integration, any suggestions?

For your requirements: it's a mobile friendly chat software, with video and video conference mode, allow add YouTube videos and images. Also can integrated with almost all kinds of 3rd party users integration----123 Flash Chat can meet all your needs. This software is what our website used so far.
It's been half year, everything is fine currently. You can google 123 Flash Chat
The homepage URL: 123 Flash Chat, A Powerful Java/HTML Chat Software
Sorry, it took me a while, but just for you to know, I am still looking for a suitable chat room for my site any help will be most appreciated.
Well, if someone is interested in a chat room for his radio show like me than I became and expert in this field. Here are my experience with finding the best one for my radio station.

1 - First I needed a chat that can be seen in mobile (all versions) so I narrowed down the search for html5 chat room that look good on both mobile and pc.

2 - I needed a custom design, I needed my background to be black or transparent. This was very hard to find.

3 - I do not like to install the chat in my server as this is high cpu and resource consumer. So I need a chat service.

4 - Lastly, I needed the ability to add youtube videos.

I have checked several chats and only 2 met my needs, RumbleTalk and Envolv.
I choose RumbleTalk finally as it can be integrated into my page and not only as toolbar.

Since I could not find answers in this forum, than I hope this overview will help someone.
