Code snippets


New Member
Hi guys

I was wondering if you know if it's possible to use the code snippets on a site that's not fully HTML editable.
I'm using moonfruit for my site, it allows me to add html snippets but I can not edit to the extent where I can put in the part that goes before the body at the bottom.
Do you know if there is any way around this so that I can add the "current song playing" to my site?
I look forward to your response



Level 1 Support
Staff member
Try this : As long as the part that needs to be just before the body tag is below the other snippet then you should be ok. Let us know how you get on and perhaps a link to your website so we can check the source.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We have had a look at the source for you and its missing all of the code. This part is missing from somewhere low down in the code (below the part that displays it) :

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Also your part that displays the status is missing :

Current song: <a href="" id="[B]cc_stream_info_song[/B]">Loading...</a><br />
Stream title: <span id="[B]cc_stream_info_title[/B]"></span><br />
Bit rate: <span id="[B]cc_stream_info_bitrate[/B]"></span><br />
Current listeners: <span id="[B]cc_stream_info_listeners[/B]"></span><br />
Maximum listeners: <span id="[B]cc_stream_info_maxlisteners[/B]"></span><br />
Server status: <span id="[B]cc_stream_info_server[/B]"></span><br />
Source status: <span id="[B]cc_stream_info_source[/B]"></span><br />

The important part is that the ID (bold) remains the same as this is the key for the previous code to update with the info.

It might be worth considering a cheap web host that allows you to upload your own html if this doesn't work.

Good Luck! :)