Embedding QuickTime Player For Icecast


New Member

This is my very first thread on this site, so please go easy on me.

I have tried to embed a Windows Media Player and Minicaster to my own website so that I could stream my webradio, but those did not work, I'm still not sure what the problem was, but I'm still looking at it to try and sort the problem out.

Meanwhile, I've came accross this HTML code to embed QuickTime player to a website, so I've tried it and it works perfectly.

I'm using Icecast, so I have not information about Shoutcast AT ALL.

The code is here:

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" 
WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="16" >
<PARAM NAME="src" VALUE="http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/foxradio/playlist.qtl" >
<PARAM NAME="autoplay" VALUE="true" >
<EMBED PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"
SRC="UNeedQT.qtif" TYPE="image/x-quicktime"
WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="16"
AUTOPLAY="true" > 

IMPORTANT - Wherever it says:

<PARAM NAME="src" VALUE="http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/foxradio/playlist.qtl" >

You must change to your own URL radio, so that it will stream your radio and not mine.

I hope you guys enjoy this.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Many thanks for your article foxradio :) We have credited your account with 5GB of free bandwidth for your much appreciated guide.

If anyone else has any useful guides that we are missing please feel free to share. We moderate all threads in this forum so we will review any submissions and publish the best.

Thanks again Fox Radio! Im sure this will come in useful for some people.