Equivalent of 301 redirect for streams?

Mike Russell

New Member
Is it possible to do the equivalent of a 301 redirect for an internet radio stream.

e.g. mydomain.com/stream -> points to -> [streamurl]:[streamport]

The reason I'd like to do this is so that all the stream links I submit to internet radio directories belong to me and not the internet radio host.

Is this possible? Any technical issues with doing this?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
It will probably be ok for most directories although if you tried to do it to our directory when hosting elsewhere it wouldn't work.

A better idea might be to create an "CNAME record" in your dns that points to the radio host providers server. i.e. radio.yourdomain.com IN CNAME uk1.internet-radio.com. The only consideration then is to ensure you get a server on the same port when you switch providers. We can of course allow you to change your port if you email us.

Hope this helps. :nerd: