Front page listings


New Member
Just a quick question about the "Popular Radio Stations" listings on the right hand side of the main page.

Why is it the same stations are listed there everyday?

When you reset the site then these listings change all the while, but after the first 48 hours they become static and the same old ones are listed day in , day out. Any reason for this? I don't believe these are that popular tbh, so i'd assume your website is broken unless it has been setup that way?

It would be a shame if stations were denied being seen on the front page in favour of the Florida crop!
"We calculate the Top 20 by amount of tune in's on our website for the month. Congratulations to all the stations involved."

And if you compare the monthly listings, you will see some changes.

By the way:
"You must link to our site from your website or you will not be added."
But not every radio-station has an own website and can do this.
"We calculate the Top 20 by amount of tune in's on our website for the month. Congratulations to all the stations involved."

And if you compare the monthly listings, you will see some changes.

By the way:
"You must link to our site from your website or you will not be added."
But not every radio-station has an own website and can do this.
Hi Frank,

I'm sorry but i don't think you understand what i'm asking and it was really aimed at the site operators as they are the only people who can answer my question regarding the front page listings. I know how the monthly Top 20 stations list works but this is nothing to do with my question.

If you look at the front page here on the right hand side, you'll see the popular stations list. The 1st of every month this gets reset and will dynamically change, from the 3rd of the month it becomes static with the same stations listed. I can assure you these are not that popular, if they were/are, then why is there currently two stations listed who have 5 listeners and another that has 4 listeners?
Oh, I'm so sorry, that you get no ~useful~ answer!
Maybe, the "site operators" share my stupidness in understanding you ;)

There are other sites with webradio-listings.
For example and counts the amount of listeners. If it's high enough, the radio will be placed on start-page.
On you can pay 10 Euros. Now you are "sponsor" and your radio-icon is shown on start-page too.
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