Gamer Radio Initiative is looking for new DJs


New Member
Want to join Gamer Radio Initiative?
Are you serious about gaming?

We are looking for people to join our cause. Naturally we need on air personalities but they will also need the help of: IRC operators, Forum Moderators and Writers, to only name a few of the things you can do in our team.
So . . want to join us and help GRI become greater and bolder through your contribution?

Are you are thinking of applying as an on air personality, then please keep the following in mind.
You will have to,
• be at least 16 years of age.
• have a reasonable collection of music.
• have basic knowledge of gaming, computers and internet use in general.
• have a quality microphone or headset.
• have between 6 and 9 hours of time you can spare on a regular basis.
• have access to an internet connection capable of streaming audio.
• have a radio personality waiting to come out.

Think you are what we are looking for?
Then apply today by sending an @mail to

you can visit our website at: