Help need on new skin for FFMp3...


New Member
Dear All,

I've installed successfully the Wordpress Shout Stream plugin, this as you know comes with several different skins.

However, I've popped along to the website at FFMp3 :: - The Flash MP3/OGG Live Stream Player! - haXed and downloaded a new skin, however, where does this install in Wordpress?

I have an .xml file and a folder with images of the new skin.

Any help appreciated...thank you in advance.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We havent done this ourselves (we like the default skin) but we imagine you would need to FTP to the server and find the location of where the plugin installed itself and upload the files there.

If you check the FFMp3 download page : FFMp3 :: Downloads - The Flash MP3/OGG Live Stream Player! - haXed

There is a way to copy and paste some code with skin selection. This should give you some indication of how it works.

Good luck!


New Member
I'm in the same boat. I've downloaded the .zip skin file and uploaded it to my WP blog server, but the icons don't show up. There are no instructions on FFMP3 sites as to where to put these files on the server and more importantly, how to customize the .xml file or generated HMTL file so that it will allow the skin images to show up.

If anyone has instructions on how to get these custom skin files to show up properly on a website, please provide some guidance.