How are these counted


Gentlemen: How does your site come up with the listened numbers listed with each station? I am seeing a huge difference between Shoutcast (Using 2.6)and Internet Radio. Thanks
Difference as in Shoutcast shows more listeners than Internet-radio? Or the other way around?

Typically the amount of listeners is most accurate when you're looking at your streaming server, since all clients connect through that to listen. Only exception would be Discord bots pulling your stream since it's only counted as 1 listener when there could be 10 in the channel.
Difference as in Shoutcast shows more listeners than Internet-radio? Or the other way around?

Each connection will show as a Listener. Including a Discord bot.
So if you have 10 listeners, 9 could be tuned in via Webplayer and that 1 Discord Bot will still count as 1 listener even if 3 are listening through that bot within the Discord server channel they are in.

Each connection will show as a Listener. Including a Discord bot.
So if you have 10 listeners, 9 could be tuned in via Webplayer and that 1 Discord Bot will still count as 1 listener even if 3 are listening through that bot within the Discord server channel they are in.
This is literally What I said.
Only exception would be Discord bots pulling your stream since it's only counted as 1 listener when there could be 10 in the channel.
I was asking the OP what they meant, then made a generalized assumption in my response. I wasn't questioning myself.
Gentlemen: How does your site come up with the listened numbers listed with each station? I am seeing a huge difference between Shoutcast (Using 2.6)and Internet Radio. Thanks

The listener data is pulled from a servers status page. What's your station called? I'll take a look for you.
My Station is 70sGreatHits. Users show almost usually more that double in Internet-Radio than in Shoutcast
Hi earlbj,

I've taken a look and yes I can see that your listing with us does show double the amount of listeners compared with your Shoutcast status page.

Our directory automatically merges any stations in the search results that share the same stream title/website information etc. The reason that we do this is that some stations run multiple servers to load balance their listeners, but the audio stream is the same across them all. So instead of us showing each individual server we just show the one search result and this displays all of the combined listeners across the multiple servers.

Are you running more than one server?