Kentucky Weed Radio looking for awesome DJs!!

Dank Raven

New Member
Kentucky Weed Radio looking for DJs to fill up the rest of our schedule, particularly our overnight slots. We're a radio station for the legalization of cannabis but you don't have to be a stoner to join! You can find us on Facebook and on Twitter @KentuckyWeedRad.

There are even ways to make money! You can:
As a current DJ, Find us a New DJ ( referral )
If the DJ is accepted and they are with us for 60 days without issue and maintains attendance for their shift/shows
You get an easy $25.00 ( for each )

Wait, there's more.......

Find a member or visitor to sponsor you for $15.00 or more, you get 50%
( yes half ) for anything $15.00 or more.

Not enough?


Find Advertisers and you get Half of that as well.

There are three advertising offers we currently use that can be seen here:

Advertise with Kentucky Weed Radio
( located in footer )

$30.00 - Monthly

$60.00 Monthly

or a $500.00 yearly

Yes you would get the 50% for Every month/year they advertise.

So check out our DJ application here Online Internet DJ application and lets get to jamming out together!