Listeners Data Accuracy


New Member
I am trying to find out some information on accuracy of listeners data given to customers by their servers. A poplar question I get asked is how many are listening. I am currently with premium customer. They use centova panel, which show listeners data. Watching the data regularly, it seems to be mixture at times, but regularly at none, I am begging to think is it all worth it me keeping the station running if no one is listening. Before I make them type of choices I need to know more information about the accuracy, I have heard that servers cannot display ever user that logged in to the station due devices being used.

I am promoting like hell and the station website has over 20k twitter shares, growing everyday and nearly 1k facebook likes


Level 1 Support
Staff member
The Centova stats are pretty accurate. But the best way to get an accurate representation of your stations listenership would be with the TLH stats (Total Listener Hours). You may need to ask your provider to supply these stats to you.