Seeking Like Minded Individuals


New Member
Hello All,

I am searching for like minded individuals to come aboard and develop this project with me. The project is Rock Nation Radio.

What is Rock Nation Radio you may ask, well Rock Nation Radio is more than just a radio station it's a coming together of people regardless of gender, nationality, race or sexuality to broadcast, listen to, chat and blog about rock, blues and metal music.

One of the aims of this project is to create a community (or a nation!) of like minded individuals who love the aforementioned music genres and also for people to share and environment where they are not judged or discriminated against. An environment where you can be yourself.

I have started work on the website using Joomla and am looking at either Community Builder or Jomsocial for the community aspect. In terms of the broadcasting it is more than likely that SAM Broadcaster will be used as there is a component that connects SAM Broadcaster with Joomla which will work out well for what I have in mind (plus it helps that I have used SAM in the past!)

I am U.K based and the station will be fully licenced with the relevant organisations (PRS & PPL). There is no launch date as of yet, it will be ready when it's ready.

As for who I'm looking for, well I'm seeking initially people who wish to share costs and develop this project together. If you have skills in MYSQL, PHP and Joomla then I especially want to here from you. If you have experience in SAM Broadcaster then please get in touch.

Naturally we will also need presenters for when the station launches. The only requirements are that:-

You be at least 18years old
Own a legal copy of SAM Broadcaster
Have a love of rock and/or blues and/or metal music
Share our core values (see the third paragraph)

Also if you love the three music genres we will broadcast but don't wish to be part of the development or presenting team then still please contact me as I'm sure we can find something for you to do.

Please note that initially this is all volunteer only. We do it for the love of music not for the love of money and also if you come aboard during these early development stages when the station grows and grows you can take pride and satisfaction from the fact that you were there at the beginning. Having said that monetary compenstation could be offered if/when we are in a position to do so due the the growth of the station.

I really do hope that there are like minded individuals out there who want to be a part of this and be part of something special.

Below is a glimpse of the website so far. If you would like to get involved, have any questions or wish to know more please get in touch.

Thanks for reading.

"Together we are strong, together we are one nation. Rock Nation Radio"

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Hello All,

I am searching for like minded individuals to come aboard and develop this project with me. The project is Rock Nation Radio.

What is Rock Nation Radio you may ask, well Rock Nation Radio is more than just a radio station it's a coming together of people regardless of gender, nationality, race or sexuality to broadcast, listen to, chat and blog about rock, blues and metal music.

One of the aims of this project is to create a community (or a nation!) of like minded individuals who love the aforementioned music genres and also for people to share and environment where they are not judged or discriminated against. An environment where you can be yourself.

I have started work on the website using Joomla and am looking at either Community Builder or Jomsocial for the community aspect. In terms of the broadcasting it is more than likely that SAM Broadcaster will be used as there is a component that connects SAM Broadcaster with Joomla which will work out well for what I have in mind (plus it helps that I have used SAM in the past!)

I am U.K based and the station will be fully licenced with the relevant organisations (PRS & PPL). There is no launch date as of yet, it will be ready when it's ready.

As for who I'm looking for, well I'm seeking initially people who wish to share costs and develop this project together. If you have skills in MYSQL, PHP and Joomla then I especially want to here from you. If you have experience in SAM Broadcaster then please get in touch.

Naturally we will also need presenters for when the station launches. The only requirements are that:-

You be at least 18years old
Own a legal copy of SAM Broadcaster
Have a love of rock and/or blues and/or metal music
Share our core values (see the third paragraph)

Also if you love the three music genres we will broadcast but don't wish to be part of the development or presenting team then still please contact me as I'm sure we can find something for you to do.

Please note that initially this is all volunteer only. We do it for the love of music not for the love of money and also if you come aboard during these early development stages when the station grows and grows you can take pride and satisfaction from the fact that you were there at the beginning. Having said that monetary compenstation could be offered if/when we are in a position to do so due the the growth of the station.

I really do hope that there are like minded individuals out there who want to be a part of this and be part of something special.

Below is a glimpse of the website so far. If you would like to get involved, have any questions or wish to know more please get in touch.

Thanks for reading.

"Together we are strong, together we are one nation. Rock Nation Radio"

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Hello All,

I am searching for like minded individuals to come aboard and develop this project with me. The project is Rock Nation Radio.

What is Rock Nation Radio you may ask, well Rock Nation Radio is more than just a radio station it's a coming together of people regardless of gender, nationality, race or sexuality to broadcast, listen to, chat and blog about rock, blues and metal music.

One of the aims of this project is to create a community (or a nation!) of like minded individuals who love the aforementioned music genres and also for people to share and environment where they are not judged or discriminated against. An environment where you can be yourself.

I have started work on the website using Joomla and am looking at either Community Builder or Jomsocial for the community aspect. In terms of the broadcasting it is more than likely that SAM Broadcaster will be used as there is a component that connects SAM Broadcaster with Joomla which will work out well for what I have in mind (plus it helps that I have used SAM in the past!)

I am U.K based and the station will be fully licenced with the relevant organisations (PRS & PPL). There is no launch date as of yet, it will be ready when it's ready.

As for who I'm looking for, well I'm seeking initially people who wish to share costs and develop this project together. If you have skills in MYSQL, PHP and Joomla then I especially want to here from you. If you have experience in SAM Broadcaster then please get in touch.

Naturally we will also need presenters for when the station launches. The only requirements are that:-

You be at least 18years old
Own a legal copy of SAM Broadcaster
Have a love of rock and/or blues and/or metal music
Share our core values (see the third paragraph)

Also if you love the three music genres we will broadcast but don't wish to be part of the development or presenting team then still please contact me as I'm sure we can find something for you to do.

Please note that initially this is all volunteer only. We do it for the love of music not for the love of money and also if you come aboard during these early development stages when the station grows and grows you can take pride and satisfaction from the fact that you were there at the beginning. Having said that monetary compenstation could be offered if/when we are in a position to do so due the the growth of the station.

I really do hope that there are like minded individuals out there who want to be a part of this and be part of something special.

Below is a glimpse of the website so far. If you would like to get involved, have any questions or wish to know more please get in touch.

Thanks for reading.

"Together we are strong, together we are one nation. Rock Nation Radio"

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