Selling a station?


New Member
Hello there.

I've decided to ask on this site, how would you go about selling an internet radio station? Around 6 months ago I decided to co-open a internet radio station. We called this ReemRadio, although we're not quitting the business we are thinking about selling the station but we don't know how to go about it!
Our station has room for expansion and to be honest needs a complete new DJ'ing team, apart from my favourite DJ Gary Potter who is very committed. The viewer base it huge but it is consistent and with only 60 likes on our Facebook page and a really sexy website this radio maybe promising.

anyway any tips?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi there, to be honest it depends on several factors and its more than likely probably not worth your time selling your station. Realistically you would get very little, if anything at all for it. Internet radio stations would only really be worth selling if they generate good revenue from advertising and have a consistently high number of listeners.

Hope this helps 8)