Spin te kú [Ska, Balkan and krazy kleezmer from Madrid]

Spin te kú

New Member

We are a spanish band called Spin te kú and we are going to be touring through out Belgium and The Netherlands during next weeks.

Would be nice to have some feedback from you. I don´know if it is possible to be interviewed by any of your broadcasters or may be you could mention our shows, that would be great!

We are fully involved in in Madrid panorama and during our activitie we have work together with a lot of local organizations and cultural stakeholders in our city and our country, also we are taking part of a musical festival in Valencia (Iboga Summer Festival) and we have participated in diferent kind of events. What I am saying is that your organization is very interesting for us and we think we have experiences and knowledge to share with you.

How is this possible? Also we´ll be grateful if you let us know about someone of your broadcasters or colaborators who could be interested on us.

Thank you in advanced and wish the best

José from SPTK

those are examples of our music, hope you like it! : )
