Centova Cast 3.2.10 Released.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We have just updated all servers to the latest Centova Cast v3.2.10.

Here's the summary:
The following is a complete list of changes included in Centova Cast v3.2.10:

  • Modernized all Javascript widgets to use modern data-attributes instead of relying on kludgy element ID hacks
  • Documented CSS class names used for all widgets to allow customization by station operators
  • Improved validation of mount point configuration fields
  • Improved accuracy of resume point detection when processing logs that haven't been rotated
  • Updated to latest versions of Pure-FTPd, OpenSSL, imlib2, and libzip
  • Fix total bit rate calculation when user has misappropriated the /live mount point on a non-autoDJ stream
  • Fix IceCast mount point display when no autoDJ is in use

Shoutcast v1 and Shoutcast v2 have now also both been updated to their latest versions.

So the next time that any of our Shoutcast users restart their servers it will automatically update to the new versions.