Bass flow radio is a Drum and Bass Radio station based in the United Kingdom London,we have been broadcasting since 2017 only as a solo radio station and it is now time for us to be looking for DJs who can spare one hour or two house to have there very own show with us. we are looking for DJs world wide so no mater where you are,you are welcome to join us. we have a /schedule page that you will be added to every week with your show name and time and with a pic or you or any pic of your choice you wish to use this will be set us by us and all the info you provide us in the sign up form. soon as you have signed up to be a DJ you could be onlin with us with in Hours.we will guid you though all the steps you will need to take to stream with us its easy and only take two minets to set up using our start up pack we provide you via email.
you can sign up Here using our online Form and we will get back to you with in two working days or may wish to email us here EMAIL US HERE
we look forward to hearing from you soon
visit our website here :
we look forward to hearing from you soon
visit our website here :